Grilled chicken with pasta Allenguin
Grilled Chicken with Macaroni Allenguin
2 bags of pasta Allinuinj ((a creature such as a flat but a few))
- Half a kilo of chicken grilled and sliced section
- Eat 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped well
The modus operandi of the sauce
((The amount of 3 tablespoons of eating two tablespoons dry basil olive oil garlic ½ cup of parmesan cheese mixed with a good amount))
- Half a cup of walnut pieces section
- A quarter cup of chopped parmesan cheese.
How to prepare:
Cook the pasta as it is written on the bag .. And set aside .. Heat olive oil in a pot cooking over medium heat for a minute, and added to chicken and mix the sauce and then add the pasta with chopped walnuts, Mix it well, and cook five minutes to absorb the sauce, presented in a bowl to adorn the rest of the nuts and Parmesan cheese,ا


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