Make A Man Love You

Is Your Sex Life Normal? Survey Shows What Everyone Else Is Doing Between the Sheets

We know you’ve wondered how normal your sex life is. Sure, you know you’re normal as far as what your friends tell you about their experiences, but what about everyone else? If you’re not sure how you rate as a couple, check out iVillage’s 2013 Married Sex Survey and see what the rest of the country is doing between the sheets.
Here are some fun stats from the sex survey:
  • 93% of respondents think that a good sex life is important. Uh, duh!
  • 61% of women are happy or very happy with their sex life. 80% of men say the same. Sounds like the ladies are doing something right!
  • 52% of women and 49% of men think they had better sex before kids. Makes sense — it’s hard to completely relax with the threat of a little one walking in on you.
  • The no. 1 thing that turns on the ladies is feelings of love. Men, however, would prefer to see their partners in sexy clothes, above all else. Yeah, that doesn’t surprise us either!

Click here for all the results of this year’s sex survey and see how you rank!


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