Balance Your Blood Chemistry

Balance Your Life

Scientific Information about Low Carbs and Insulin From Science News
Cutting Carbs Is More Effective Than Low-Fat Diet for Insulin-Resistant Women, Study Finds
— Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional low-fat diet with the same number of calories, according to a new study. Science Daily (June 21, 2010)

My eating program will reveal that a diet higher in the right foods and lower in the poor foods will be your best solution for weight loss, balancing cholesterol levels and lowering blood sugar levels. Thus balancing your overall blood chemistry.

For example... too much insulin, caused from eating a higher poor food diet, is the primary cause of many diseases such as high cholesterol, high blood sugar levels, heart disease, hypertension, gout, diabetes, obesity, plus many more. Stop the cycle of abusing your body today. Let me show you how to stop the cycle of making poor decisions that result in your poor health.
My Quick Start Energy Program is based on the glycemic index of foods that has been compiled and authorized by the FDA. Each and every food has a glycemic value, which you can use to determine the most efficient choices for each and every meal! The key is learning what foods to purchase at the grocery store and order at restaurants that will keep you moving towards your goal and not negate all your hard work with a series of poor choices that will set you back.2

Did You Know That There Are Certain Foods
You Eat Can Zap Your Energy?
Food is fuel. It fuels your body and it fuels your mind. Just like a racecar, the right fuel is essential. With the right fuel, your car can win the race... but without the right fuel, you may not be able to get out of the pit! Did you know that there are certain foods that can zap the life right out of you? On the other hand, did you also know there are certain foods that make you feel incredible? When you eat the right power foods, you will be unstoppable. You can find out just what those power foods are on page 29 of my program!
When you eat from my simple to follow guide, you will have the mental power to become more disciplined. You will quit giving your best hours to your job. Instead of you will be able to hit your front door fired up at the end of the day! When you have energy, you can work at your job during the day and still have plenty of energy left at the end of the day to enjoy the fruits of your labor and do enriching activities after work like; hobbies, spending quality time your loved ones or just plain hanging out with new leaner and happier self. You'll make much better company!

Victoria, how can I thank you for giving me so much hope! When I downloaded all the practical and useful parts of your program, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information you give for such a great price.  Unbelievable!  I have already sent the link to your program to my workout buddy, my niece and my aunt who have made a lifestyle of fad dieting!
I emailed you a question about my crazy addiction and I could not believe your diet had the answer. I love peanut m&ms and I ate them every day. Your answer of combining dark chocolate and peanuts which are both good glycemic foods and drinking some sugar free hot cocoa with them as a snack is sheer genius. What happened is so powerful. First of all, I ate less than the usual bag of m&m's. It satisfied my craving for chocolate and it satisfied my sweet tooth! I have lost 14 solid never to return pounds. You are so right, this is a lifestyle that I love and I look incredible.
I am wearing clothes I have not worn in years because like the others on your program have experienced, it's not just the fantastic weight loss that is great, my skin is better, I am actually thinner than before, becuase like you said, when you lose body fat, you get thinner faster! You are a gift to all people every where. who have struggled with their weight. you say, "stop struggling with your weight then and just lose it! I wish you the best and I hope al your dreams come true. Because of you, mine are! Love,

Jackie R

Why Should You Listen to Me?
I've Been Where You Are..
I Haven't Always Looked Like I Do On My DVD Cover Shots!
As a child our family moved around a lot and I would attend different schools. When I was five, I went to a new school in a new city. I’ll never forget the first day. As I peered into the classroom window, I was so nervous I felt sick. Here I was, staring into a sea of faces of children I had never seen before, with not one person looking like me. Not one! I did not want to stay in the room, I was terrified. The teacher tried to reassure me; “It’s okay, Victoria. We’re all nervous, we are all the same".

We were not the same. I was seeing little boney legs! Pair after pair of skinny little legs! My legs did not look like theirs! Mine were big and round and they rubbed together when I walked. They looked like chicken drumsticks to me.

The teacher continued to try to coax me into the room. “They are just like you,” she said. I wanted to scream; "They’re not like me"! "I have thighs and they don’t"! As I took my seat, which felt snug against my round body, I realized for the first time in my life that I was different; I felt big and fat. I felt like ashamed and embarassed about my body size.Despite every attempt to lose weight and be accepted by the other kids, I never outgrew my baby fat. By the time I reached high school, I was obsessed with food and dieting. As soon as I got up in the morning I’d think, what’s for breakfast? Throughout the morning, I would be thinking about lunch. I was fixated on food.
That was the beginning of my obsession about diet. I learned how to diet from a friend in that class who told me about her mom's diet. YES! My vicious cycle of dieting started in the first grade!

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

I Tried Everything, Just Like YOU, to Lose Weight, I Was So Frustrated and Disgusted
By the time I went to college, one of my friends had taught me a handy technique for keeping weight off... throwing up. I spent a good portion of my college years hunched over a toilet and trying to hide my habit, out of shame. Yet despite throwing up, I still managed to gain the freshman fifteen and then some. Instead of paying attention to the signals my body was sending me; low energy, depression and headaches. I’d reach for a candy-bar pick-me-up or a jolt of soda with lots of caffeine and sugar.

You've heard the popular phrase, “If you want to look thinner, hang out with people bigger than you?” That’s exactly what I did. To soothe my emotional needs, I hung out with women who looked like me, thought like me and ate like me. Believe it or not, I was their fitness instructor at the time. Unfortunately, we didn’t view exercise as a way to gain health. It was a justification to eat more. My girlfriends and I would get all dressed up in our workout clothes, barely break a sweat and then hit a McDonald’s drive-through. “Sure I’ll have fries with that! I worked out, I deserve it!

One day while I was leading the class, I felt a little dizzy. Ten minutes into the workout I fainted. When I came to, I thought they were kidding when some of the class members actually asked me to get on my feet and continue class before their heart rates went down! It was then I realized that maybe these people were not my true friends. Maybe I was not as important to them as I had thought. The realization hurt me deeply as I had finally felt like I belonged with their group.

 Wake Up Call
My blackout incident prompted me to go see a doctor. As I sat with clipboard and pen in hand filling out that dreaded questionnaire, I began to lie about my health history with no regrets. (Actually, this was the typical “me” at the time. Part of my lifestyle was not facing the truth.)

"Has anyone in your family ever had diabetes?


Do you?

"Nope, never. I eat fruit and vegetables and drink eight glasses of distilled water every day.

Then the magic question: “How much do you weigh?” Well... when exactly? In the morning? Before PMS? After PMS? Not wanting to face the truth, I scribbled 130.

Then the nurse came in to get my vital signs. Managing to keep a straight face as she read my fictitious questionnaire, she hit the weight question and blurted out, “130!

Well, last time I checked it was 130.

Please step on the scale.”

Shouldn’t I take my shoes off? And my belt, it’s metal; it must weigh a few pounds.”
After stripping to the bare minimum, I stood on the scale, holding in my breath and pulling in my stomach, trying to be lighter.

She whizzed the metal bar way past 130 before she clicked to 150, 160, 170. When the rule clicked at 175, I jumped off the scale in horror. Was I really that fat?

Time to Face the Music
I was still in a near state of shock when I met with the doctor. What he said to me did little to soothe me. “Young lady, if you do not change your eating habits and your lifestyle, you are on your way to developing type II diabetes.” Holding a large syringe and getting right in my face, he continued, “You will have to take this needle and stick yourself with it every day. You will become a pharmaceutical drug addict if you don’t make a major life change!”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. That was my moment of truth. I made a decision to change. I decided to change what I eat, what I do and how I think. I decided that I wanted to live free of fat, drugs and controlling addictions. I was barely out of college and I managed to destroy my health at such a young age. When it came to weight gain, I had heard of the Freshman Fifteen. I took it to the extreme and made a new category, The Senior Sixty!
New Life, New Direction

I started my car and headed home. Only this time, I changed and took a different route. I felt a burning desire for change. I didn’t drive past all of the fast food restaurants I used to think were my friends. From that moment forward, I continued on my path of finding emotional freedom and developed the principles in this program. It didn’t happen overnight and it didn’t happen without some pain. I had to let go of a few habits that were comfortable as well as some relationships that I finally realized were not healthy. Yet I never gave up. When I veered off course, I remembered my goals.
What about you?
I promise you that if you stay true to this program, it will work for you, too. It will not only change your body, it will change your mind and elevate your life.

Are You In a Fat Storing Mode or Fat Burning Mode?
Did you know that eating the wrong food at the wrong time can cause your body to move into fat storing mode and no matter how much exercise you do... you can't stop it!
Your metabolism can be your best friend or your worst enemy! You have the know what to eat and when to eat it to get your metabolism to work for you and burn that unwanted "energy" in order to have Unlimited Energy! By the way... Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are fat... You just have a lot of ENERGY! And now it's time to start using it!
This is the last program you will ever have to buy to lose weight. This is just for you for right now. This program is customized to give you the secrets to help you get the body you want, the energy you desperately need and the mind set you have never been able to maintain to succeed. I understand what it feels like to hide behind a jacket, baggy shirts and embarrassing too tight, but too broke to buy new ones, clothes. I Lost The Weight and Regained My Health and YOU WILL TOO! Throw the rest of your diet plans away, The Quick Start Energy Program is the last eating plan that you will ever need!

You Can Turn Your Body Into a Fat Burning Machine.
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>


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